Tag Archives: Trucking Laws

The Future of Trucking – Is the Trucking Industry Job Security?

Trucking is an invisible driving force behind many companies moving nearly all goods and products in this country. Trucking companies transport almost 70% of goods.

How often do you think about how the groceries got to the store and on the shelf? Or how was the gas delivered to the gas stations? If you are like the average American, you seldom think of the “how.” We often take for granted our groceries, gas, and other products that are always readily available.

Nearly all goods in the United States are delivered by trucks, if not the entire way, then at least for a part of the way. Without trucks, America stops. A shutdown of truck operations will devastate food supply, healthcare, waste removal, and many other financial sectors.

Is Trucking an Industry of the Past?

Some believe the trucking industry is a part of the past. However, that could not be farther from the truth. Here are a few reasons why:

  • The average salary of truck drivers is greater than many other occupations that require similar skill levels and training requirements. This includes construction workers, heavy equipment operators, and forklift operators. The trucking business employs one in every 19 people in the United States.
  • Trucking is a high-tech industry, and the use of computers and trucking software is extremely popular. The top trucking companies constantly upgrade trucks with better systems, improved aerodynamics, and stronger and lighter materials.
  • The transportation industry comprises more than 10% of the United States gross domestic product, which is approximately $1.4 trillion.
  • 82% of the money spent on transportation in the United States is spent in the trucking industry.
  • Truck drivers haul 71% of all freight moved throughout the United States.

Many agree that the demand for freight transportation will continue its upward climb for the foreseeable future. In June of 2015, the American Trucking Association (ATA) released a report on the trucking industry’s future. Their prediction: a growth of nearly 30% over the next 11 years.

There has been much progress and advancement made in the trucking industry in the past, and a lot more is along the way.

Some of the highlights include:

Economic Deregulation

As with any other industry in America, economic deregulation has worked well with trucking. It has also resulted in lower costs and higher service levels with innovative services. Trucking companies are responsible for delivering most of the domestic transportation market, regarding both volume and revenue.

No other transportation mode can provide such volume to every neighborhood, on every street, 24/7, with on-time delivery. This has helped the industry increase its market share over the past decade and will continue to increase in the future.

Self-Driving Trucks

The future is now. Freightliner has designed a self-driving truck. These are fully functional driverless trucks. There are Level 3 autonomous vehicles; this means drivers are still required. According to Freightliner, we are still decades away from a complete self-driving truck with no human interaction. So, the good news is, there is no need to look for a new career.

What Will Fuel the Vehicles?

No need to worry; diesel is here to stay. However, different energy sources are being tried and tested for fuel efficiency. The advancements in emissions expect the use of diesel to overcome gasoline. Some are leaning towards natural gas. So, what does this mean for the future of trucks? Possibly cheaper, more efficient, and safer ways to haul goods.

Secure Career

Unlike other jobs in the United States, trucking jobs cannot be outsourced and will remain within the United States. That alone should give drivers a sense of job security. The need for professional drivers will continue to grow if the turnover rates continue to increase.

Owner-operators employed by transportation logistics providers and those who partner with a non-forced dispatch company have a secure and flourishing future in the trucking industry.

If you have ever considered a career in the trucking industry as an owner-operator, would you want to be a part of the future? Sign up today to become an owner-operator with Non-Forced Dispatch. Existing content here