Tag Archives: Non Forced Dispatch

What is Forced Dispatch? How is Landstar Different?

Many trucking companies will claim they are a non-forced dispatch company. But what is forced dispatch?

Forced dispatch as a driver working with a dispatcher, you must move the load you are told to, or there could be consequences.

If you refuse to carry that load, the dispatcher could Move you to the bottom of the list, and you risk the chance of not receiving another load for quite some time.

A non-forced dispatch trucking company such as Landstar is very real. It is simple – there is no forced dispatch of any kind!

With Landstar trucking company, we have agents.’ Each agent has their own customers, so there might be 80 different agents with 100 other loads going separate ways on any given day.

So, where do you want to go? How heavy of freight do you want to carry? Do you want to run hard this week or easy? Do you want to haul a full truckload? It is straightforward: do you want a day off? Then, turn your phone off and take the day off. Whatever you decide, it is your choice with Landstar!

As an owner-operator, you get to make relationships with an agency. This is assuming the agency has the freight and rates you like – otherwise, do not call them and choose someone else. That is the beauty of Landstar. That is the beauty of a non-forced dispatch trucking company.

Benefits of No-Forced Dispatch

With a non-forced dispatch company, drivers have the freedom to choose what loads they want to haul. If you wish to take the week off for family functions, you have the freedom to do so. Landstar owner-operators have many benefits compared to company drivers. Company drivers deal with dispatchers who tell them where to go and how long they must stay out on the road. Owner-operators get to decide for themselves and get to choose which load to take from the Landstar Load Board.

Owner-operators who work for non-forced dispatch trucking company such as Landstar receives the benefit of being their own boss. You are in complete control of your success.

With Landstar, you are never completely on your own. When driving with Landstar, we ensure each driver has the available tools to become successful and run a successful trucking business by using the Landstar Load Board.

Are you thinking about becoming an owner-operator? Do you want to know more about our owner-operator jobs? Or do you have questions about how non-forced dispatch works at Landstar? Chat with us online or give us a call at 330-484-6013. Also, check out our frequently asked questions about Landstar.