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Are You Over or Under Insured? Tips for Holding a Smart Auto Plan for Your Truck

As an owner/operator, part of the responsibility of running a successful business is making smart decisions about important topics. We can all agree that auto insurance is one of these topics. Commercial trucking insurance is just one part of your business – but it is one expense that, if not carefully chosen and managed, can greatly affect your bottom line. It’s mandatory that you understand what your current coverage offers and what it is you truly need (and don’t need!).

A well-designed policy offered by any of the reputed nationwide trucking companies will have you covered in essentially any situation. Knowing that one accident can amount to disastrous circumstances, your policy must not only suit your truck but also must protect you.

First and foremost, speak with an agent who speaks your language. The insurance world can be complicated and has many moving parts. If you do not fully understand your agent’s language, ask questions. There are too many added costs that agents can tack onto your plan that may not be necessary. Don’t get suckered into a plan that is too extravagant for your needs, but also make sure you are not undercovered.

Commercial trucking insurance policies provided by top owner-operator companies such as transportation logistics provider and freight dispatching company Landstar covers damage and loss in most necessary scenarios – damage to the trailer, truck, cargo or load, other vehicles (including other semis), and property damage. The coverage may differ according to diverse operators.

A few of the below items will prepare you for a productive conversation with an auto insurance agent.

  • Liability – covers damage to other parties involved in the incident.
  • Cargo insurance – covers costs involved with damaged or stolen goods that are hauled in a trailer, including theft.
  • Bobtail insurance – a very smart choice for an owner/operator – covers your truck while it’s not on the road, such as sitting in your driveway at home.

Now that you are aware of the three mandatory elements of a smart insurance plan be sure to evaluate what coverage you have or do not have and contact a local insurance representative in your area to review your coverage.

Ensure to get insured and be rest assured!