All posts by Erika Shaffer

CVSA Safe Driver Week

CVSA Safe Driver Week – Focus on Speeding

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced the Safe Driver Week will still go on as scheduled despite the COVID-19 pandemic and will take place July 12 – 18. Each year the CVSA chooses a different focus on unsafe drivers for both cars and trucks. During this week, law enforcement will be focusing on speeding. If caught speeding, you will be pulled over and given a warning or citation. During last year’s Driver Safety Weeks Operation, law enforcement issued 1,454 citations and 2,126 warnings to commercial vehicle drivers for speeding.

CVSA Safe Driver Week

Along with speeding, other dangerous behaviors out on the highways will be watched for by law enforcement. This can include:

• Distracted driving
• Drunk or drugged driving
• Failure to follow traffic control devices
• Failure to use seatbelts
• Following too closely
• Improper lane changes
• Reckless or aggressive driving

The Governors Highway Safety Association states that there has been less traffic because of the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Since there has been less traffic, some believe that they may have caused drivers to ignore the safety laws, including the speed limits.
The CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Weeks helps lower high-risk driving behaviors on the highways with the help of traffic enforcement tactics. Data completed shows that interaction with drivers and law enforcement helps lower specific unsafe driving behaviors.

Operation Safe Drivers Weeks may still be a little over a month out, but now is the time to practice safe driving habits. Drivers can pay close attention to speed limit changes when driving through unfamiliar areas and construction zones to help lower the chance of being pulled over by law enforcement.